Approximately 300 million tons of waste is generated in United States every year according to US Environmental Protection Agency's data from 2013. But only 34% of it was recycled or composted. The recycling and composting facilities are trying hard to improve this situation but they are still not being used to their fullest potential. A lot of the problem lies at the point where waste is generated and problems with segregation. 

This was a research focused project to identify the key problem areas and opportunities for more efficient and environmentally safer garbage disposal.

Research Data (Interviews, surveys, observation)

Data Analysis

Listing interpretations of the things learned and observed.

Summarizing Insights

The key insights organised to understand the technical and emotional challenges in the system.

Value Map (Existing System)

Potential for developing services for ensuring proper waste disposal at the end of consumer use for products.

Feasibility map for possible solutions

Evaluating all ideas in context of a half-semester project for graduate studio. 

This led to selection of a solution involving a smartphone application.

Wire-Frame for smartphone application

Mapping the flow of the application to integrate the research insights into the solution

Smartphone Application Prototype

Link to prototype for Phone View

Link to prototype for Web View:

5 Stages of Experience

The following chart shows how the solution targets the key research insights at every stage of user experience and beyond

Descriptive Value Web

Value added to the existing system through the solution. The phone application can not only help businesses grow but also help in growth of infrastructure, full capacity use of treatment plants and reduce contamination leading to reduced environmental impacts.