Invited Speaker

Warke B. Understanding the Lived-Experiences of Perimenopause and Menopause through the Lens of Self-care Technologies. In the International Forum on Women Healthcare (WHCFORUM2023), Toronto, Canada, 15-17 May 2023

Poster Presentation

Warke B, Gromala D, Gupta A, Shaw C, and Li L. A Diverse Patient-Centered Approach to Researching Burdens of Pain: a Citizen Science project in British Columbia. In the International Association for the Study of Pain’s (IASP) World Congress on Pain 2022, Toronto, Canada, 19-23 Sep 2022

Conference Paper

Kagiri T, Warke B, Juliano G, Zupan K, and Gromala D. Challenges and Strategies in Teaching a Foundational Graphic Design Course During COVID-19. In the International Conference on Typography & Visual Communication’s Scientific Event, 5-9 July 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece

Conference Paper

Warke B, Gromala D, Gupta A, Shaw C, and Li L. Wild Intercepts: A novel approach to usability testing of a ‘Citizen Science’ portal, developed for understanding the ‘Burdens of Pain’ among citizens. In the 24th International Conference on Human-Computer-Interaction (HCII’22), Virtual, June 26 – July 1, 2022.

Gromala D, Warke B, and Kagiri T. VR to Wearables: Bridging Women’s Healthcare Gaps. In the 2nd Annual Interface. Women’s Health Summit 2022, Virtual, 22 June 2022

Invited Talk


Warke B, Gromala D, Gupta A, Shaw C, Li L. Using Affective Images as Prompts to Better Understand the Burdens of Pain. In Canadian Pain Society’s 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting (CPS ASM 2022), Montreal, QC, Canada, May 10- 13, 2022. (Poster presented at conference and published in proceedings)


Warke B, Gupta A, Shaw C, Li L, Wang S, Zhang J, Wong C, Kiaei Zibari P, Gromala D. Into the Wild: Intercept Study Testing a ‘Citizen Science’ platform for understanding the ‘Burdens of Pain’. In Canadian Pain Society’s 42nd Annual Scientific Meeting (CPS ASM 2022), Montreal, QC, Canada, May 10-13, 2022. (Poster presented at conference and published in proceedings)

Poster Presentation

Warke B and Gromala D. Understanding the Lived-Experiences of Perimenopause, Menopause and Postmenopause: A Participatory Study Design. In the 7th Annual Women’s Health Research Symposium, BC Women’s and University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine, Vancouver, March 09, 2022

Paper Presentation

Warke B, Li R, Gromala D, Li L, Shaw C, Gupta A, Hoens A, Koehn C, Currie L, Mamdani H, Cooper D, and Loo S. The Burden of Pain Symptoms: Designing a patient-centered platform. In the 15th International Conference on Design Principles and Practices 2021, Brooklyn, NY, USA. March 3-5, 2021. (Presented virtually in the themed paper presentation track)

Conference Paper

Warke, B. Designing Interactive Technological Interventions for Menopausal Women: Designing and developing Interactive Technology tools to help aging women navigate information about stages of menopause to increase self-awareness of biopsychosocial changes and manage lifestyle for an improved Quality of Life. In Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’21), February 14–17, 2021, Salzburg, Austria. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages.


Daneshzand F, Warke B, Perin C, and Carpendale S. Physicalization Inspired by Kirigami. In the 31st IEEE Visualization Conference (IEEE VIS 2020), Virtual Conference, October 25-30, 2020. (Abstract published in proceedings)


Warke B, Li R, Gromala D, Li L, Shaw C, Gupta A, Hoens A, Koehn C, Currie L, Mamdani H, Cooper D, and Loo S. The Burden of Pain Symptoms: A prototype for citizens of British Columbia. In the PAINWeek Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 03 September 2019. Published in PAINWeek Abstract Book 2019. Postgraduate Medicine. PainWeek 2019. (Poster presented at conference and published in proceedings)


Li R, Warke B, Gromala D, Garrett B, Taverner T. Does Immersive VR Modulate Chronic Pain: A Longitudinal Study Design. In the PAINWeek Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 03 September 2019. Published in PAINWeek Abstract Book 2019. Postgraduate Medicine. PainWeek, 2019. September 1, 2019, Las Vegas, NV, USA. doi:10.1080/00325481.2019.1655695 (Poster presented at conference and published in proceedings)